Thu 13 Jun 2024, 20:30 · Ash Harrison

'I don't care': Martin Dubravka may have sealed his Newcastle United fate with recent interview quotes

'I don't care': Martin Dubravka may have sealed his Newcastle United fate with recent interview quotes
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Newcastle United goalkeeper Martin Dubravka is one of a few first-team players expected to leave the club this summer.

The Slovakian is currently on international duty and has been asked by his native press about the constant speculation over his future.

While Dubravka played most of last season for Newcastle due to Nick Pope's shoulder injury, he hardly inspired the Toon Army, especially when you consider that he let in 42 goals in 23 Premier League games.

Newcastle are currently in talks with Burnley over the move of 21-year-old England goalkeeper James Trafford which also adds weight to the speculation that Dubravka's time at the club could be up.

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Dubravka is trying not to think about his future

Dubravka is already on thin ice with the Toon Army

The 35-year-old had some work to do to get back in the good graces of Newcastle fans after spitting his dummy out when Nick Pope signed for Newcastle and looked to take over the number one spot.

Dubravka moved to Manchester United on loan to be their third choice rather than staying at Newcastle to be second choice in a move that got the Newcastle fans a bit miffed to say the least.

Now, his latest quotes from Slovakian media won't exactly do much to heal those wounds.


Dubravka may have used a poor choice of words

When asked about the speculation regarding his future, Dubravka said he doesn't care anymore (via The Chronicle).

"It's hard for me to comment on that, because I get information from the newspaper about who we are signing.

"If I'm honest, I don't care what happens anymore. I defended my place and did my best for the club. If they decide to bring someone else, I won't influence it anymore. This is going on aside at the moment, I'm trying to concentrate on the national team now. I leave the rest out of my head."

I think we get what he's trying to say here and something may have been lost in translation. It's maybe not so much that he doesn't care about his future, but more he doesn't want to worry himself about things that could be out of his control, especially when he has a job to do.

At least we hope that's what he was driving at, because if he truly doesn't care then he can absolutely get in the sea.