Thu 18 Jul 2024, 16:36 · Ash Harrison

Amanda Staveley ready to move on so soon after public breakup - New Premier League side eyed

Amanda Staveley ready to move on so soon after public breakup - New Premier League side eyed
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We're still in the locked in our bedrooms listening to old songs that remind us of the better times stage of the breakup after Amanda Staveley and Newcastle United parted ways.

However, it seems the financier is not taking the breakup too badly at all, in fact, reports are suggesting she's already set to move on.

A report from Bloomberg has now suggested that through her company, PCP Capital Partners, Staveley has raised £500million which she plans to invest into a football club.

Staveley has her eyes on a couple of potential clubs, one of which is a direct rival to Newcastle United in the Premier League.

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Stu Forster/Getty Images
Amanda Staveley is moving on already

Why them, though, Amanda? Why them?

While any investment made by Staveley would be a buy-in rather than a buy-out like the one she facilitated for Newcastle, it would still be a kick in the teeth to see the woman we held in such high regard pumping half a billion quid into a rival.

The clubs Staveley is looking at are Ligue 1 side Monaco and Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur.

It's still early days yet, and other than this one report from Bloomberg which doesn't actually cite any named sources, there's not a lot to go on, but jumping straight into bed with Spurs immediately after dumping Newcastle? Come on, Mandy, you're better than that.


Whatever Amanda Staveley does next doesn't erase the good she did for us

At the end of the day, though, it's her business, her money and her decision.

What she did for this club will never be forgotten and can't be taken away just because she has chosen to invest elsewhere. You know, even if that elsewhere is one of the clubs Newcastle are chasing down. COME ON, MANDY!

Fingers crossed there's nothing in it and we don't have to deal with the inevitable tyre fire that will be social media if it goes ahead. I haven't dared look since the news came out because I can already tell how it's going to be.

It'll be much like this article but a lot less tongue-in-cheek and a lot more sweary with attacks aimed at Staveley personally is my guess.

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