Fri 31 May 2024, 12:00 · Ash Harrison

Newcastle United fans look to the skies as transfer season begins - What a time to be alive

Newcastle United fans look to the skies as transfer season begins - What a time to be alive
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We all tend to live in our own little Newcastle United echo chamber on social media except for wading in on the odd ridiculous comment from a rival fan that's directed at our club, but are we the only fans to stalk private jets?

For years now, Newcastle fans have been trawling through the arrivals at Newcastle airport looking for private jets and checking their journey to speculate on who could be on it and what it may mean.

Tracking jets from Saudi Arabia was a huge thing when the takeover was ongoing with every single jet that came to the UK from Saudi somehow being tied to the takeover and an imminent announcement.

It was totally crazy, absolutely pointless, never actually led to anything and we absolutely loved it.


Have any of these tracked flights ever led to anything? Nope

We all loved it so much that a dedicated Twitter/X page @nufcflights sprouted up dedicated solely to the cause and the tradition continues to this day.

At the time of writing, the latest is a flight coming into Newcastle from Salzburg tomorrow ... what could it mean? Who could we be signing?

In all likelihood, nobody. It's probably not even connected to Newcastle United at all, but that's not the point is it?


We're looking to the sky for signings

A lot of people miss the point that it's all just a bit of fun and not intended to be taken seriously at all, but there's no room for fun on social media is there? Nah, you have to get put in your place.

Just go with it. It has become an odd tradition that leads to a few laughs and some good discussion.

But seriously, are we the only fanbase to do this? It is mental.