What might have been: David Beckham now declares his love of Newcastle United

 · November 6 2023, 20:04
What might have been: David Beckham now declares his love of Newcastle United
Matt Dunham / Associated Press
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David Beckham has spoken of his love for Newcastle United while looking through classic kits.

There won't be many people out there, over the age of 30 anyway, who don't know who David Beckham is. One of the best footballers England has ever produced.

In his prime there wasn't a football team on this planet that he couldn't have walked into the starting lineup.

Beckham would have looked good in black and white

It's a shame then, that only now, 10 years since his retirement, do we find out that the man has a massive soft spot for Newcastle. Imagine what could have been.

David Beckham
Chema Rey / MARCA
Yes we did go out of our way to find the most unflattering photo of David Beckham, so what? We're not jealous, you are.

In the latest edition of Career in Shirts on YouTube, the former Manchester United and Real Madrid legend looked back on the kits he played in, the ones he had as a kid and some iconic ones from opposition teams.

One such kit was Newcastle United's Adidas kit with the blue edging that we wore in the FA Cup final against Manchester United.

Becks loves Newcastle and the fans

It wasn't a great day for Newcastle fans, but the kit sparked something in Beckham as he admitted his love of the club.

“Newcastle always had good shirts to be honest. I’ve always loved Newcastle as a club, I love the fans, I love the way they are. We played up in Newcastle for England once and they were amazing.”

He loved us, he loved our shirts but we never saw him in the black and white at St James' Park. Crying shame.

You can watch the episode below but if you're only interested in the Newcastle moment, it starts at around 16:55.

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