Tue 21 May 2024, 20:00 · Ash Harrison

Report: Hilarious Dan Ashworth faux-pas exposed that could see Omar Berrada hit with 'tapping up' charge

Report: Hilarious Dan Ashworth faux-pas exposed that could see Omar Berrada hit with 'tapping up' charge
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Manchester United's incoming chiefs could be in a spot of bother after Dan Ashworth did the most Grandad thing possible.

Dan Ashworth remains on gardening leave from Newcastle United while the club negotiate a settlement fee with Manchester United for the former sporting director, but also currently on gardening leave and heading for Manchester United is former Manchester City man Omar Berrada.

Berrada has a start date already and is set to officially join Man United next month, however, it seems that he and Ashworth had been in communication over joining Manchester United back in February when Berrada was already on gardening leave from Man City.

If you're not aware, when on gardening leave, you are unable to work for the company you're moving to until the agreed upon start date, so Berrada should not have been conducting any kind of business on behalf of Manchester United, not matter how trivial.

Skysports omar berrada man city 6427828
Sky Sports
Omar Berrada has landed Man United in deep doo-doo

Ashworth has been a very naughty boy

The Daily Mail have now revealed that Dan Ashworth blind copied his emails to Berrada discussing his intention to leave Newcastle for Manchester United to his NUFC email account.

These have now come to the surface and as a result, Berrada and Man United could be hit with a 'tapping up' charge.

The report goes on to mention Ashworth also disclosed details to Berrada of the agreement between Newcastle and Brighton that took him to St James’ Park in the summer of 2022. This would likely be a breach of confidentiality for both Newcastle and Brighton.


This whole Ashworth saga just gets better and better

Just when you thought this saga couldn't get any more amusing this comes to light. Hopefully, Newcastle go all-out and hit Ashworth with the breach of confidentiality and Man United with tapping up, while Berrada also gets done for working for Man United when he shouldn't have been.

How stupid do you have to be to send emails detailing your plan to leave a job to your current works email?

Grandad Ashworth's got some 'splainin' to do!