Mon 3 Jul 2023, 15:13 · NUFCFEED

Read Tonali's emotional farewell message to the Rossoneri

Read Tonali's emotional farewell message to the Rossoneri
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Following the official announcement of his £52 million move to Newcastle United, Sandro Tonali has taken to his Instagram account to bid a fond farewell to AC Milan and its supporters. Here's what the most expensive Italian footballer in history had to say:

Today I find myself here with a mix of emotions in my heart. As you know, I have decided to embark on a new adventure and a new challenge.

I begin with a thank you to the club that welcomed me and gave me the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary club, which for me is and will always be my home. I thank those who made it possible for me to wear the colours of the team of my heart and those who have managed the situation with availability and sharing in the past few weeks. I have learned a lot in these three years and I have found a football family among the club, teammates and technical staff, who have supported and guided me on my journey. It's thanks to you that I've been able to improve as a footballer and as a man.

I understand that this goodbye may arouse mixed emotions, and it's normal that they occur when leaving a big piece of one's heart, but it's important to remember that in football, as in life, changes sometimes provide a means for growth for everyone.

Now I want to thank my people: you who, like me, carry the Rossoneri colours in your heart. I will never forget the chants from the Sud, the 19th Scudetto, all the wonderful moments shared together and the love for our Milan.

I wish all of you, the club and fans, the best for the future and I'm sure that you will achieve great things together.

A warm embrace, with the hope that this is not a goodbye, but a see you later.

Forza Milan.

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