Sat 21 Oct 2023, 20:00 · Ash Harrison

'No time': Sean Longstaff puts out brilliant post on X after scoring against Crystal Palace

'No time': Sean Longstaff puts out brilliant post on X after scoring against Crystal Palace
Stu Forster/Getty Images
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Newcastle United midfielder Sean Longstaff has clearly been paying attention to the internet this week.

If you've spent any time on the NUFC hashtag on X, you will likely have come across 'Big Frank Chippa'. An account that posts fake football-related stories, usually Newcastle-based, under many different guises in order to see if he can fool the footballing world.

More often than not they're easily spotted, but sometimes they're cleverly done and are taken seriously.

Big Frank struck gold this week

This week he struck gold by creating a post that suggested Sean Longstaff had asked for November off to go travelling with his brother, Matty.

Soon the post was being shared all around X, TikToks were going up with people in disbelief that he'd do such a thing and even YouTuber Thogden mentioned it today, fully believing that Longstaff had asked for a month off.

After scoring today against Crystal Palace, Longstaff took to X to acknowledge the prank with a brilliant post.

Longstaff was clearly aware of the joke

His post, above a photo of him in action today said:

"No time for travelling when there’s 3 points at SJP to be had See you all back at home on Wednesday"

Top quality from Longy there.

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