Tue 6 Feb 2024, 18:59 · Ash Harrison

Lewis Miley posts brilliant video to social media after signing new deal with his boyhood club

Lewis Miley posts brilliant video to social media after signing new deal with his boyhood club
Serena Taylor via Getty Images
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Whatever may come this season after all of the trials and tribulations Newcastle United have faced, there will be one bright spot we can all look to.

Thrust into the Newcastle first-team ahead of schedule due to the insane injury list, 17-year-old Lewis Miley has found himself playing much more football this season than even he would have dreamt.

Miley made his Premier League debut in the final game of last season coming off the bench against Chelsea and all it took was one effort shaving the bar to get the Geordie faithful to sit up and take notice.

He's only 17 you know?

Several impressive pre-season outings followed and then the youngster found himself on the bench for the first team as the new season got underway. Newcastle started losing players left and right to injury and of course Sandro Tonali's 10-month suspension, so Miley was thrown into a regular starting spot by Eddie Howe.

As commentators never let you forget, Miley is just 17, but the reason they keep reminding people is because if it wasn't for his child-like face, you'd never know.

The Co Durham lad never looks fazed, is always in control and calm when on the ball and his off-the-ball play is years ahead of where most 17-year-old players are. It was no surprise when Newcastle moved to tie him down to a long-term deal last week.

Miley will be part of Newcastle's inevitable success

Then today, Miley has posted on social media a little video to say that his contract is not about looking back at how far he's come but looking forward at how far he's got to go.

It's a quality video of some scenic shots of Newcastle and Lewis Miley running through his city, playing football and showing photos of him as a small kid, all while Miley narrates over the video with all the passion of a school kid being forced to stand up in front of the class and read their essay about themselves.

Newcastle are heading for trophies, there's no doubt about it, and to have Lewis Miley, a product of the academy in the side when we do so will be extra special.

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