Sat 14 Oct 2023, 11:50 · Ash Harrison

‘He is feared’: Jamaal Lascelles shares the unexpected truth in the Newcastle dressing room

‘He is feared’: Jamaal Lascelles shares the unexpected truth in the Newcastle dressing room
Creator: Mike Stobe Credit: Getty Images Copyright: 2023 Getty Images
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Jamaal Lascelles has now revealed that there is a side to Eddie Howe that us outsiders don't see.

Eddie Howe always comes across as affable when you see him on TV, even in the recent Amazon documentary, there were no glimpses of the Newcastle boss's dark side, but to be a successful football manager, you surely can't be nice all the time.

Sir Alex Ferguson had that mean streak and he didn't care who knew it, we've seen behind the scenes at several clubs where managers have tore into their players, so to think that Howe isn't capable of doing that is madness.

We all know Howe has high standards, and I'd hate to be the one who didn't come up to his level.

At half-time during the game at West Ham Eddie Howe unleashed on his side after a poor first-half showing. Jamaal Lascelles has spoken to The Chronicle and lifted the lid on Eddie's dark side.

"A lot of people probably think he is really nice. But he is feared. I think he can do both, be nice and have the chats and put his arm around you.
"But if he needs to tell somebody you are going to know about no matter who you are. I think the way he manages everything is perfect. "He has 100% respect of the players."

I don't know about you but I'm happy enough just seeing nice guy Eddie. He can keep all the shouting and berating behind closed doors as long as he keeps getting the results on the pitch.

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