Thu 24 Aug 2023, 10:09 · NUFCFEED

Graeme Souness thinks it's harder to manage in Newcastle than in Glasgow, Istanbul, and Liverpool

Graeme Souness thinks it's harder to manage in Newcastle than in Glasgow, Istanbul, and Liverpool
Richard Calver/Shutterstock/Getty Images
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Steve Bruce is back in the news again following his appearance on "No Tippy Tappy Football" with fellow former Newcastle United manager Sam Allardyce and host Lee Phelps.

Of all the soundbites given by Bruce when discussing his time at Newcastle, one new one jumped out at us amidst the usual "I recommended Eddie Howe and Steven Gerrard for the job", "I was the only negative thing left at the club after the takeover", and "At the end of the day I'm a Newcastle fan and I'm delighted they're doing so well".

It was this comment, in which he mentions getting phonecalls from three of the worst managers in our lifetime to warn him against taking the job at St. James' Park back in 2019:

"Sam (Allardyce), Kenny Dalglish, and Graeme Souness all rang me to warn me of how difficult it is (managing in Newcastle).

Graeme even said to me, 'I've managed in Glasgow, with Celtic/Rangers, I've managed in Turkey, I've managed in Liverpool, but the most difficult period I've ever had was managing in Newcastle.'"

Eddie Howe has certainly made the job look difficult since replacing Bruce in November 2021, hasn't he? "The fella from Bournemouth" has broken records left, right, and centre, and led the Magpies back into the Champions League for the first time in two decades.

Bruce, with all the goodwill in the world, could never have dreamed of achieving that at St. James' Park, even if he'd been the one to come in fresh after the takeover. He's a poor, poor football manager, just like the three blokes who rang him up to warn him off the job.

It's a hard place to manage if you're bad at your job, don't commit 100% to it, and treat the supporters like they're idiots. It's one of the best places in the world to manage if you know what you're doing, give the job everything, and understand what the club means to the fans. This has been proven time and time again.

Howe hasn't had it all his way since joining and endured a very difficult start, but he never resorted to excuses or talking down to supporters. He's always accepted full responsibility for results and performances and has been a superb figurehead since day one, that's why he's beloved here, by the owners, players, and fans alike.

There's plenty more from Bruce below, by the way, if you can stomach it. Across 52 minutes he covers topics such as NUFC's recruitment since the takeover, our interest in Moisés Caicedo before he went to Brighton, Joelinton never being a natural goalscorer, and the weight of the number nine shirt at St. James'.

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