Amanda Staveley has not ruled out buying into another club but won't forget NUFC

 · July 30 2024, 13:00
Amanda Staveley has not ruled out buying into another club but won't forget NUFC
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There have been reports suggesting that Amanda Staveley could be set to broker a £500million buy-in of Tottenham Hotspur just weeks after leaving Newcastle United.

The news that Amanda Staveley is potentially orchestrating a way back into football has left a bitter taste in some fans' mouths after she has so openly spoken about her love of Newcastle.

However, what we have to remember is that first and foremost, Amanda Staveley and PCP Capital Partners are investors and brokers first, football fans second.

It is her job to broker big money deals like the one that got Newcastle away from Mike Ashley and into the hands of football's wealthiest backers.

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Amanda Staveley with Yasir Al-Rumayyan

Mandy is a Geordie!

Maybe it's more the timing of the news than the actual idea that soon Amanda Staveley could have a stake in another club, but to hear it in her own words via the interview in The Athletic, you can tell that this next move is purely work, whereas Newcastle was a passion.

"My preference would have been to stay with Newcastle, but life doesn’t always work out exactly how you want it to. Nothing is going to replicate that. I fell in love with Newcastle, the club and the people and that can’t change, but I didn’t want to get in Newcastle’s way. It’s got to be about what’s best for Newcastle.

“Mehrdad and I are keen to be hands-on. We’re hard-working people, I love to be very busy and to engage and I love football. Very sadly, we have to move on to other projects and that might involve us taking a stake in another club or buying another club and that’s difficult. But it’s possible.

“I don’t know what my future holds, but you can never move on from the love I have for Newcastle and I would love to come back for matches. I’m a Geordie now. I’m a Yorkshire Geordie, but I will always have that chemistry and that love.”

Amanda Staveley: Classy 'til the end

Amanda Staveley also sticks by her claim that Newcastle will reach the heights that she promised when the takeover first went through after being asked if she remembers what she had said.

“Winning the Premier League? God yeah! We don’t have the distraction of Europe this season and I know that’s hard for the fans, but it gives us a chance to get everything stable. We can really have a run at it.”

We love that she still refers to the club as "we" and "us" and just to show her true class, after the interview was wrapping up, Amanda Staveley made sure that she delivered a message to the fans.

“I can’t describe what they mean to me and I am just so incredibly grateful. It means everything. They mean everything. Being around them and part of that wonderful club has meant the world. Please tell them: ‘Thank you so much for trusting us’.”
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